Shipping & Delivery

Do you ship internationally?

We ship to most countries around the world with the exception of limited countries based on international agreements and USPS restrictions. If we are unable to ship to your country, you will be notified at checkout and your purchase will be prevented.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs are displayed on the checkout page, there is a flat fee for domestic and a flat fee international orders.

Will I have to pay taxes/import duties in my country?

Import duty is a tax collected on imports and some exports by a country's customs authorities. A good's value will usually dictate the import duty.

While the cost of shipment for your package is included in your order total, you may be subject to taxes/import duties for your package upon arrival to your destination country. Kindly note, we are not able to cover additional costs in order for you to receive your package once it arrives at customs.

We do everything on our end to declare customs (value, items, weight, material) to ensure that there is no added customs charge when your order arrives in your country. Most of our packages ship without any additional fees or charges, but each country has a unique customs process and occasionally random packages will be pulled for inspection. We cannot control if your order gets pulled and there are additional fees during the customs process in your country. We do our due diligence on our end to prevent this from happening, but unfortunately we are not in control of each order and it is up to your country's postal service how your order is handled. We recommend speaking with your local post office if you have any specific questions regarding your country's customs process.

Can I update my shipping address after I have ordered?

If you have incorrectly formatted or entered your address, please contact customer support immediately with your order number and correct shipping address. If you fail to communicate a shipping address change before your order is shipped you will have to contact the courier to reroute your order. This store is not responsible for shipment to an incorrect address if we are not provided the information prior to dispatch.

If your package fails to be delivered due to an insufficient delivery address the goods will be returned to us. Please contact us if this occurs and we will organize a reshipment to an updated shipping address.

How do I track my order?

Tracking information will be sent to the contact information you provide us. This will be sent via email/sms when your order has been fulfilled. For specific tracking details or if your delivery is late, you can contact the carrier directly for the most up-to-date information, including any carrier or regional delays.

What is a pre order?

A pre-order is designed with the customer in mind, where orders are taken over a short period of time to ensure that you can secure your order before the collection sells out. This means we only produce the necessary amount of stock to fulfil orders, without having any leftover going to waste, and every customer gets a chance to place an order in their desired size.


What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We also accept PayPal and prepaid gift cards from all major banks.

At this time, we do not accept any form of cryptocurrency.

Is my payment secure?

Yes, your payment is secure. Our website uses the most up-to-date SSL encryption security techniques. The payment provider we work with, Stripe, is Level 1 PCI certified (the highest level attainable) and uses the most up-to-date SSL encryption to ensure all payments are secure.

What currency is used?

All payments are processed in USD, although we may have a currency toggle available for your convenience. The currency displayed within the checkout process will be in USD, unless otherwise specified.


Can I cancel or change my order?

You can’t make changes, but you can cancel an order provided you notify us immediately after you place your order. Please contact customer support with your order number and reason for cancellation. We’ll process your cancellation and issue a refund to your original form of payment. We’ll send you an email to let you know we’ve issued the refund—it may take up to 10 additional days for the funds to show in your account.